"Inflammasomes and cancer"
Rajendra Karki#, Si Ming Man#, Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti, Cancer Immunology Research, 2017 Feb, (2), 94-99
"Molecular mechanisms and functions of pyroptosis, inflammatory caspases and inflammasomes in infectious diseases"
Si Ming Man, Rajendra Karki, Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti, Immunological Reviews,
"A Comprehensive Review on Chemical Profiling of Nelumbo Nucifera: Potential for Drug Development"
Bhesh Raj Sharma, Lekh Nath S Gautam, Deepak Adhikari, Rajendra Karki*, Phytotherapy Research, 2017 Jan, (1), 3-26
"NLRC3 regulates cellular proliferation and apoptosis to attenuate the development of colorectal cancer"
Rajendra Karki, R K Subbarao Malireddi, Qifan Zhu, Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti, Cell Cycle, 2017 Jul, 16(13), 1243-1251
"Differential roles of caspase-1 and caspase-11 in infection and inflammation"
Si Ming Man, Rajendra Karki, Benoit Briard, Amanda Burton, Sebastien Gingras, Stephane Pelletier, Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti, Scientific Reports, 2017 Mar, 7, 45126